About RevelEleven

RevelEleven is a sisterhood of transformation, inspiration and impact. We believe the best way to achieve individual growth is to do it together. When we support and challenge each other we’re more focused, go further and get there faster—and make the journey dynamic, satisfying and fun.

At RevelEleven, you’ll learn from the stories of amazing women—both our presenters and other members. You’ll meet mentors, find partners and forge friendships that are real and rewarding.

Collaboration and creativity. Breakthroughs and business plans. Exploration and excitement. RevelEleven will help you find your purpose and passion—and make it happen.

Join the Revelution today!

About the Team

Joanie Parsons

Part dream builder, part rule breaker. Joanie is the heart and soul of everything she touches. She’s been bringing women together ever since she became a woman.

Why did you start RevelEleven? There’s nothing better than gals getting together. Together we are unstoppable.

Superpowers: Curator, Igniter, Connector

Who is a woman that inspired you? My mom. She was single, strong and intuitive. She was all about supporting women. She always told me that I could do anything I set my mind to. She asked questions about the universe and always thought there was more to this world than the eye could see. She inspired my life.

What's one thing you wish you knew when you were 25? That everything will all work out. It’s just about time.

Best Hike: Lycian Way in Turkey (with Monica!)

What gives you purpose: Staying connected with friends and family. Working with young people to help them learn life-skills to grow into thriving young adults.

Rejuvenating locations in the world? Winthrop, Sun Valley, Montana, Mount Blanc area, Lycian Way. Really anywhere in nature with big open sky.

Ruth Winbauer

As a life-long learner, Ruth joined the RevelEleven team to help with member outreach and creating fun and exciting events + adventures.

What makes RevelEleven so special? I love this community of women! From day one, I found a place here and I couldn’t be happier to now be a team member.

What gives you purpose? My family. I was quite young when I lost my parents and I am so grateful to have a whole passel of siblings, a loving husband, wonderful son and daughter-in-law with a grandson on the way!

Wellness Philosophy: Never underestimate the power of love. Be open and honest with the love for yourself and for others.

Favorite Quote:

“If you want to fly, give up everything that weighs you down”

– Toni Morrison

Kendra Smith

Always up for the next adventure, Kendra uses her enthusiasm and creativity to help with social media and back-end logistics to ensure everything is up to date for RevelEleven.

What do you love about RevelEleven? I love that RevelEleven has brought together an amazing community of women from all around the world and created a supportive, nurturing, and uplifting space where we can all learn something to better ourselves and the world around us.

Best Hike: Hiking through Grindelwald in the Swiss Alps.

Wellness philosophy: Don’t stress over the small things. Live in the moment and live life to your fullest.

Rejuvenating locations in the world? South of France, Iceland, Hawaii, Winthrop, and any hike in the PNW.

Meet Our Advisory Board

Our History →

Our History js-hero-timeline

  • #e4e5c4

    2008 - 2009

    Joanie creates dinner parties and happy hours for the many female friends who found themselves lost during the Great Depression. It was with these monthly gatherings over many years where the true search of who am I without a job title began. It was also a time for me to realize how much I want to learn from other women and provide support whenever possible.

  • #efede5

    2017 - 2019

    Joanie and Monica create the networking community of Grapevine whose focus was entirely on in-person events.

  • #e4e5c4

    2020 - 2022

    Grapevine is rebranded as RevelEleven and shifted its focus to online events due to the pandemic. We now celebrate nearly 200 past interviews with amazing women on our YouTube channel. After the pandemic, the first in-person retreat was held in August of 2021, and it was aptly named - “Because We Can.”

  • #efede5

    2023 - 2024

    RevelEleven is 6,000+ women strong who are empowered to blend work and play. We host in-person Seattle events, online workshops + local/international retreats.