Get Your Shit Together: Three Q’s to Answer Right Now 

No matter your age, it’s important to Get Your Shit Together.

But you might be thinking, “I’m still writing grocery lists and leaving them on the dining room table when I leave tor the grocery store – how in the world can I possibly get my shit together?” Don’t worry, we’ve got three ways to get you on the right track. You never know what life has in store – for you, your parents, your partner - and that’s why it’s so important to have your wishes and plans in place. 

When I was young,  aging and dying were subjects that were off limits. When my mom was diagnosed with dementia, it was overwhelming. I had a lot of work to do to put things in order. There were so many questions. What would happen to her home? What would happen with bank accounts and credit cards? How would we know what bills to pay? And, most importantly, what were my Mom’s final wishes.   

These are not easy conversations to be had - but they are so very important. In fact, I never did find out what my mom wanted at the end of her life. We ended up celebrating her life at a treasured location in Cannon Beach and throwing her ashes out into the ocean in a martini glass (her favorite drink which seemed appropriate). 

 RevelEleven recently held an in-person workshop in partnership with Chanel Reynolds, who founded the “Get Your Shit Together” website, and wrote the book, “What Matters Most”. 

Order Chanel’s book, What Matters Most, here.

Here are the three things that Chanel says to consider right away to plan for the ‘what-ifs’ that happen in life. 

1. Personal property + assets: Have you listed out all of your property and assets? 

2.  Assign someone you trust to handle your affairs: Who will be the Executor of your Will? Who are your Beneficiaries? Who will be Guardian for your Children? Who will be Guardian for your pets? 

3. Make an End-of-Life plan: What are your Priorities within End-of-Life Healthcare? Who is your trusted Healthcare Advocate to speak for you? 


This is just the beginning of estate planning. While I have done a lot of planning, there are still many questions to I need to ask myself and my partner, and many more things to be done, and forms to be filled out. I hadn’t even thought about care for our beloved furry family – Jasper + Juno. I don’t have all my assets listed out, and what about all those digital passwords!  

Chanel has the answers – and now so do the attendees to our workshop, that was held at Murano in Seattle.  She also offers workshops through her website.

It’s time to do yourself a favor, and  Get Your Shit Together and encourage your loved ones to do this too!  


Women’s History Month Reading Guide Pt. 2


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