You know that “Wow!” feeling you get when seeing a gorgeous sunset or a wild animal in nature? That feeling is awe: a feeling so vast is stops us in our tracks. You may think finding wonder + awe in everyday life is hard – but resilience coach Lorca Smetana says otherwise.
Cultivating these amazing qualities is life-changing. Wonder + awe increase your health and bring grace and lightness to your life. They also boost your mood, decrease stress and re-align priorities. We will learn to harvest fulfillment all around us – through the people we talk to, the daily tasks we complete and more – with one of our favorite speakers, Lorca Smetana. Join us and see what happens in your life when you expand your curiosity!
"Wonder is like mycelium -- it is not immediately sexy, but it is feeding the health of everything else in your life.” - Lorca Smetana
About Lorca: Lorca teaches about risk, leadership, buoyancy, and designing from joy. She holds an MA in diplomacy and is on the faculty in Human Leadership Development at Montana State University. A TEDx and keynote speaker, a celebrant, a sustainable farmer, and a writer, she's helped individuals, teams and communities better understand what it is to be powerfully resilient ecosystems. Her online programs and teaching provide immersive experiences of what it is to be a resilient leader and human being.