Only 8% of the people who make New Year’s resolutions stick with them for more than a few weeks.
We’ve all been there, wondering why it’s so hard to keep going with a new endeavor we believe in. This interactive workshop offers you a solid toolkit of 10 ways to maintain momentum and enthusiasm for any self-directed project you’re working on. In this 90-minute session, we’ll cover a range of strategies that help people to keep going, from accountability partners to making sure that perfectionism doesn’t skuttle your good ideas.
Bring a notebook, and together, we’ll distill the secrets of those who excel at maintaining focus and energy under difficult conditions, including Formula 1 pit crews, surgeons, sled-dog teams, and long-haul Arctic researchers. These useful strategies are for anyone working on a self-chosen project—as well as those looking for new ways to hold up during the pandemic. Take away a fresh view of how to keep your project moving, and a personal Recharge List for preventing burnout.
You will learn:
New ways to keep making progress on a project you care a lot about
A method for adapting momentum strategies used in other fields/occupations to your own situation
Practice in developing a kinder, gentler dialogue with ourselves about how we work
How to create a personal Recharge List to draw on in times of stress
About Sarah: Sarah Campbell is a writer and learning designer focused on the art and science of finishing. Her “Finish It” workshops blend self-help, social science, and psychology to help people finish projects they care about. She’s created online courses for McKinsey and ?What If! Innovation, and writes on science for IEEE’s Pulse magazine. She lives in Seattle, sometimes walking gnome trails with her daughter and working on (or thinking about) her own unfinished projects.