Do you have trouble fitting movement into your schedule or can’t stay motivated, no matter how many times you make that “exercise more” resolution? So how can we begin to see exercise in our daily lives not as a “should goal” but as a “gift goal”?
Carol Frazey is a fitness coach and author who has appeared in Woman’s Day and Real Simple. She helps her clients make small changes allowing them to fit daily exercise into busy schedules and have fun doing it.
During this hour, Carol will guide us to become consciously aware of our movement and the well of energy and self-love that it can bring into our lives. We will see exercise in the vein of “intention” versus “doing”. Join us on February 17 at 8 a.m. PT for simple steps to make fitness a priority.
About Carol Frazey: Carol Frazey is the author of The Fit School Diet Plan: 1 Year to a Nutritionally and Physically Fit Life e-book and co-author of 26.2 Life Lessons: Helping You Keep Pace with the Marathon of Life. She earned an M.S. in Kinesiology from the University of Colorado while working with athletes who would go on to become Olympians. Carol Frazey currently serves on the Whatcom County Council. She is president of Fit School, Inc. where she provides coaching and presentations on finding one’s power and wellbeing through movement. She lives in Bellingham, Washington, with her husband, two children, and a few furry creatures.