Turn your dreams into reality

Summer has arrived!

Here in the Pacific Northwest, that means the sun is out from early morning to late evening, sometimes well past 9:00 PM. With so much sunshine, the days are longer and everything seems possible.

Summer can also be a great time for dreaming. I just finished a visioning board class with one of our fav speakers, Jennifer Cassetta, author of The Art of Badassery. The original badass herself took us through a series of questions and we all wrote down the things we wanted to manifest into reality. For me it was, a larger garden to grow our own food and flowers, to have more time for creative projects, to be strong + fit, and, of course, for RevelEleven to thrive. There were others but how fun to think about dreaming these into reality!

Manifesting has always been a big part of my life and it was a good reminder that, when I set my mind to it, I can make things happen. And you can too.

So take some time for yourself this next week and dream some dreams, big or small. What’s on your list? A raise? A partner? A new garden bed? A vacation? Whatever it is, write it down or make your own vision board.

It’s amazing what can happen when you put your dreams out into the Universe, so do it today. 

Wishing you all the best in your manifestations,

Joanie Parsons

Founder/Adventurist of RevelEleven


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